Inko 0.11.0 released

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After nine months of hard work we're pleased to announce the release of Inko 0.11.0, replacing the bytecode interpreter with a native code compiler using LLVM.

Table of contents

What is Inko?

In case you're new to Inko and wondering what Inko is: Inko is a language for building concurrent software with confidence. This means that it should be easy to write concurrent (without race conditions!) and memory safe programs, whether you're used to a low-level language such as C or Rust, or a high-level language such as Python or Erlang.

Inko is useful for all sorts of applications, such as HTTP servers, command-line applications, databases, static site generators, and more.

For more information, check out the website and the Inko manual.

Compiling to machine code

Before 0.11.0, Inko used a custom bytecode interpreter written in Rust. In this release, the interpreter is replaced with a native code compiler using LLVM as its backend. The result is much better performance (at least once we start implementing optimisations). Distributing applications is also made easier, as you no longer need to install the interpreter in your deployment environments, and any C libraries used can be statically linked into the native code:

$ cat ~/Downloads/test.inko
import std::stdio::STDOUT

class async Main {
  fn async main {'Hello, world!')

$ inko build --release --output /tmp/test ~/Downloads/test.inko

$ file /tmp/test
/tmp/test: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[xxHash]=9dd11e347ca9a03e, with debug_info, not stripped

$ /tmp/test
Hello, world!

Using native code also makes it possible to reuse many existing tools to analyse and debug your Inko programs, such as Heaptrack, perf, bloaty, GDB, and more. Debugging support is still limited (e.g. you can't print variables in GDB), but we'll improve this over time. For example, using bloaty we can see what contributes to the size of an executable:

$ bloaty /tmp/test -d compileunits
    FILE SIZE        VM SIZE
 --------------  --------------
  44.5%  3.23Mi  17.6%   455Ki    library/std/src/
  30.0%  2.18Mi  41.7%  1.05Mi    library/core/src/
   4.4%   330Ki   7.6%   196Ki    [66 Others]
   3.1%   232Ki   9.0%   232Ki    [section .text]

As part of this work we also investigated using Cranelift as a backend, and implemented a decent amount of our backend using Cranelift. Ultimately we decided against this as the project isn't mature and stable enough for our needs.

Due to LLVM being quite slow, our long-term vision is to implement as many optimisations ourselves before lowering to LLVM, thus reducing the amount of work it needs to perform and keeping compile times fast.

There's still a lot of work to do on the compiler, such as reducing code sizes, improving how generics are compiled, fixing various bugs, and more. In other words, what is available today is a good start, but we still have a long way to go.

Windows is no longer supported

This release drops support for Windows, as supporting Windows proved to difficult. Supporting Windows has always been difficult as we aren't familiar with Windows as a development platform, but the new runtime library the native code links against proved to difficult to get working on Windows. Windows isn't the kind of platform we'd expect developers to deploy Inko software to either.

In other words, supporting Windows came at a high cost but didn't bring any benefits. Rather than delaying the release and complicating future work, we opted to remove Windows support entirely for the foreseeable future. At some point in the future we may reconsider supporting Windows, but it will require somebody to maintain the necessary changes, as we unfortunately aren't able to do so.

Futures are replaced with channels

Inko no longer uses futures when sending messages and awaiting their results, and support for synchronous messages (basically syntax sugar for sending a message and awaiting the result right away) is removed. Instead, channels can be used if a message needs to send its output somewhere. For example, instead of this:

class async Example {
  fn async example(value: Int) -> Int {
    value * value

class async Main {
  fn async main {
    let ex = Example {}
    let fut = async ex.example(4)

    fut.await # => 16

You now write this:

class async Example {
  fn async example(value: Int, output: Channel[Int]) {
    output.send(value * value)

class async Main {
  fn async main {
    let out = 1)
    let ex = Example {}

    ex.example(4, out)
    out.receive # => 16

For simple cases this is a little more verbose, but it makes bi-directional communication between processes much easier compared to the old approach. Channels are multiple-producer multiple-consumer channels, and messages are processed in FIFO order. The current implementation is probably not the most performant due to the use of locking, but this is something we can improve in the future.

The FFI is temporarily removed

Inko's interpreter used libffi to interact with C code. As part of working on the native code compiler we looked into providing a type-safe FFI (see this issue for more details), but determined that implementing this would delay the release considerably. As such, this release removes the old FFI but doesn't include a new FFI. Our plan is to introduce a new FFI (and conditional compilation) in the coming months, and include that in the next release.

Package management

Inko now includes a package manager, available using the inko pkg subcommand. Our implementation is based on that of Futhark, which in turn bases it on Go. Version selection is performed using minimal version selection, greatly simplifying the implementation and its performance.

Packages are just Git repositories hosted on GitHub,, or other platforms. This removes the need for a central package hosting service, which would be too costly and time consuming to operate.

For more information, refer to the documentation of modules and packages.

A new type checker

This release includes a new type checker. The new implementation is simpler, easier to test, fixes various bugs the old type checker suffered from, better handles cyclic types, and includes various improvements to the type inference algorithm.

As part of this work, support for Self types is removed as this proved to complicate the type checker and compiler too much, and was the source for various bugs.

A new process scheduler

The process scheduler has been rewritten from the ground up. This new scheduler is 25-30% faster compared to the old one, and the implementation is simpler and easier to understand.

Blocking operations (such as reading files) are handled better. Instead of using a fixed-size pool of threads for blocking operations and moving processes between this pool and the regular pool, threads that take too long to perform blocking work are automatically replaced with a back thread that continues the rest of its work. When the thread finishes the blocking operation, it becomes a backup thread, and the cycle repeats itself. This approach removes the need for first moving processes between thread pools, improving the performance of blocking operations.

Handling of network IO is also improved: instead of a single thread polling sockets for readiness, Inko supports multiple threads (though it still defaults to just one). This improves performance for programs that have a lot of sockets that need to be polled by epoll/kqueue/etc.

Throwing is replaced with algebraic data types

Inko used a form of checked exceptions for error handling. This has been replaced with the use of algebraic data types such as the new Result type. This makes composing errors much easier, and simplifies the implementation of iterators. The try and throw keywords still exist and serve as syntax sugar to make error handling a little easier. For example, instead of this:

let thing = match result {
  case Ok(val) -> val
  case Error(err) -> return Result.Error(err)

You can just write this:

let thing = try result

And instead of this:

return Result.Error('oh no!')

You can write this:

throw 'oh no!'

Performance wise the new setup is a little slower as Result is heap allocated, but this is something we'll improve in the future.

You can find some more details on the error handling changes in this issue.

Additions to the standard library

The standard library includes new features, such as the module std::json for parsing and generating JSON, methods for stripping values from strings such as leading spaces, support for various cryptographic hash functions (all implemented in Inko) such as SHA1 and ChaCha20, and more. For example, here's how you'd use the new cryptography modules to create a hash using SHA256:

import std::stdio::STDOUT
import std::crypto::sha2::Sha256

class async Main {
  fn async main {
    let hasher =
    let output =


    # This prints "ce06092fb948d9ffac7d1a376e404b26b7575bcc11ee05a4615fef4fec3a308b"
    # to STDOUT.

If you just want to hash a single value instead of a stream, you can also write the following:

import std::stdio::STDOUT
import std::crypto::sha2::Sha256

class async Main {
  fn async main {
    let output =


What's next

In the coming months we'll focus on providing a new FFI and API for conditional compilation, cross-compilation, a better way to compile generic types and methods, and more. For a full list of the work planned, take a look at the 0.12.0 milestone.

Following and supporting Inko

If Inko sounds like an interesting project, consider joining the Discord channel. You can also follow along on the /r/inko subreddit.

We are working on Inko full-time and using our savings to cover the costs. If you'd like to support the continued development of Inko, please consider donating using GitHub Sponsors. Every donation, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated.