Inko 0.12.0 released

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We're pleased to announce the release of Inko 0.12.0. This release contains various bug fixes, and several new features.

Table of contents

For a full list of all changes, refer to the changelog for this release.

Inko receives funding from NLnet

NLnet is a Dutch foundation that financially supports organizations and people that contribute to an open information society. We applied for a grant earlier this year. The application was a bit of a moonshot, as we weren't entirely sure Inko would fall in the scope of NLnet. Upon seeing that the Oil shell also receives a grant from NLnet, we decided to give it a try anyway. Two weeks ago we received confirmation that Inko's proposal has been accepted, and a description of the project is found on the NLnet website.

The funding we requested is a modest €8000 spread over a 12 month period, resulting in €666 per month. While that number may seem a little suspicious, it's just a coincidence: originally we had planned for a six month period, which comes down to about €1200/month plus a little extra for taxes. Later we changed that to a 12 month period as we felt six months likely isn't enough, and because the donations turned out to be tax free, and it so happens that 8000 / 12 = 666.6.

The exact details and planning are still being finalised, but at the least we're planning to work on the following issues (not necessarily in this order):

Inko on Fedora copr

We now provide an official Fedora copr repository, making it easier to install Inko on Fedora. Using this repository, you can install Inko as follows:

sudo dnf install dnf-plugins-core
sudo dnf copr enable yorickpeterse/inko
sudo dnf install inko

This release includes various fixes for values either not being dropped, or being dropped twice. Specifically, the following issues are solved:

Processes suspended with timeouts use less memory

Commit e611ace improves the memory layout of internal data structures used to keep track of how long a process needs to be suspended for. While the reduction is only 8 bytes (from 16 to 8 bytes) per timeout, this can add up when a lot of processes are suspended.

Unreachable code is no longer lowered to MIR

Code that's not reachable (e.g. it occurs after an unconditional return) is no longer lowered to MIR. This fixes this bug, and may slightly improve compile times when there's a lot of unreachable code.

Various fixes for type inference

Various issues related to type inference not quite working the way intended have been solved, such as this bug and this bug.

Working with unique values is now easier

In Inko, the type uni T indicates a type for which no aliases exist and can be created, thereby making it safe to move it between processes. As one can't create aliases to such types, working with these types was difficult. Take the following snippet for example:

class Config {
  let @ip: uni IpAddress

fn example(config: ref Config) -> uni IpAddress {
  recover config.ip.clone

Code such as this was invalid, as config is of type ref Config, which isn't "sendable", meaning it can't be used inside a recover or sent to another process. Typing the config variable as uni Config wouldn't work either, because the compiler didn't allow access to fields through uni T values.

This release includes changes that make this possible. The way this works is as follows:

We allow temporary aliases to uni T called uni ref T for immutable references, and uni mut T for mutable references. These aliases can't be assigned to variables, passed to arguments, aren't compatible with anything, and you can't send them between processes. This effectively limits them to being used as receivers for method calls. We then allow methods to be called on such values with the same restrictions as uni T receivers (e.g. all arguments must be sendable). In addition, we allow access to fields of uni T values and expose them as these references.

In case of the above example, this means config.ip returns a uni ref IpAddress (because config is a ref Config). The IpAddress type in turn doesn't store any references, and IpAddress.clone is defined such that it can't create any references to its returned value that outlive its return value. This means we can recover the returned IpAddress into a uni IpAddress.

The end result is that it's now much easier to work with and recover values into a uni T, without the need for annotating return types as uni T (unless you deemed this necessary for other reasons).

Changes to the standard library

  • std::iter.join is moved to String.join.
  • Result.collect is used to turn an Iter[Result[T, E]] into a Result[Array[T], E], stopping at the first Error it encounters.
  • Iter.last returns the last value in an iterator.

The default build mode now includes optimisations

Instead of defaulting to a debug build, the compiler defaults to a mode that balances optimisations and compile times, while still including debugging symbols. This means that inko build foo.inko is enough to produce an executable with good runtime performance, instead of requiring the use of inko build --release foo.inko. The --opt flag is used to control the optimisation level, and supports none, balanced and aggressive. The latter may be used in the future to enable more aggressive optimisations. As we don't implement any optimisations for now, all options result in the same kind of executable, but this will of course change in the future.

Executables generated for Linux require libgcc, as the Rust runtime library requires it. Rather than dynamically linking against libgcc, we now statically link against this library at compile-time. This means the only dependencies the executable needs are libc, and libm (in case a platform doesn't include this as part of libc).

Following and supporting Inko

If Inko sounds like an interesting project, consider joining the Discord channel. You can also follow along on the /r/inko subreddit.

We are working on Inko full-time and using our savings to cover the costs. If you'd like to support the continued development of Inko, please consider donating using GitHub Sponsors. Every donation, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated.