Inko 0.9.0 released

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Merry Christmas! Inko 0.9.0 has been released, with a new manual, fewer dependencies, the removal of nullable types, support for generators, pattern matching, and much more!

Table of contents

For the full list of changes, take a look at the changelog.

If you would like to support the development of Inko, please donate to Inko on Open Collective or via GitHub Sponsors.

A brand new manual

The old Inko manual that was part of the website is replaced with a new manual based on mkdocs. The manual is now part of the main Inko repository, instead of the website repository. This makes it easier to contribute documentation changes. These changes also allow us to version the manual in the future, though we aren't quite there yet.

The new manual is found here.

A new network IO poller

Inko's network IO poller is now built on top of the excellent polling Rust crate. This allows us to support a wider range of platforms in the future, and reduces the amount of code we have to maintain ourselves.

Fewer dependencies for building libffi

In version 0.8.0 we started using a new version of the libffi Rust crate, reducing the number of dependencies necessary to built the Inko VM. As the libffi changes were not yet released, we had to use a patch to make use of these changes. A new version of libffi has since been released, removing the need for these patches.

You can now also configure Inko to use a system installation of libffi instead of building libffi from source. For more information, take a look at our Building from source guide in the manual.

Reduced memory usage of the Ruby compiler

In commit fb80d4 we reduced the memory usage of the Ruby compiler by about 20%, making it easier to run Inko in memory constrained environments such as Docker containers.

A new "check" option

You can now run inko build --check to check if an Inko program contains any errors, without building the program. This makes it easier to integrate Inko into your text editor/IDE of choice. For example, we have an open pull request to add Inko support to the popular Vim plugin ALE.

Changes to constructing objects

Starting with Inko 0.9.0, the static method new is no longer defined automatically, and the instance method init is no longer used to initialise an object after its allocation. Instead, Inko objects can now be constructed directly. For example, take this object:

object Person {
  @name: String

  def init(name: String) {
    @name = name

Before version 0.9.0, you could create an instance of this object like so:'Alice')

Starting with 0.9.0, you need to use the following pattern instead:

object Person {
  @name: String

  static def new(name: String) -> Self {
    Person { @name = name }

Here Person { @name = name } creates a new instance of the Person object, and sets the @name attribute to the name argument. All attributes an object defines must be assigned when using this syntax.

Since typing the object name can get tedious, you can also use Self like so:

object Person {
  @name: String

  static def new(name: String) -> Self {
    Self { @name = name }

Do note that the pattern Self { ... } is only available in static methods; it can't be used in instance methods.

These changes bring several benefits:

  • Developers have greater control over what methods are defined for their objects
  • It's now impossible to use a partially initialised object
  • The compiler no longer needs to automatically generate methods, simplifying the implementation
  • Using variable arguments to initialise an object is now easier, as the init instance method used before didn't support variable arguments
  • You can use different static methods to initialise the object in different ways, instead of being forced to funnel everything through a single init instance method

Various built-in types, such as Integer and Array can't be initialised using this syntax; instead you must use the new static method these types define.

Panics for the [] operator

The [] operator now panics whenever its used with an undefined index. This applies to Array.[], ByteArray.[], and Map.[]. We believe this to be a safer and better default compared to returning a nullable or Option type.

If you don't want a panic, you can use the get method these types define, which returns an Option type (more on this below).

Receiving messages with a timeout is now a separate method

The method std::process.receive is split into two methods: receive and receive_timeout. This cleans up the internals a bit, and makes it more obvious what behaviour is expected when receiving messages.

First steps towards a self-hosting compiler

We have merged the first steps towards a self-hosting compiler. This includes various changes to the parser, a type-checker, pattern matching support, and various compiler changes.

Originally we had intended to merge these changes when we have a working self-hosting compiler. Over time we realised there is still a lot of work to do, and keeping multiple branches in sync (with lots of changes between these branches) is a challenge. To make development easier, we have merged what we have so far.

The self-hosting code merged so far is still a work in progress. For example, it's not yet able to infer closure argument types. We will continue development on the self-hosting compiler in the coming months.

In spite of being a work in progress, the work has proven invaluable; even revealing several soundness issues the Ruby compiler failed to detect.

Nullable types are replaced with an Option type

Inko used nullable types (technically "nillable" as Inko used Nil instead of NULL) for optional values. In 0.9.0 this has been replaced with the use of an Option type.

While nullable types may seem like a good solution, they are difficult to support without running into soundness issues. For example, the following code used to compile but result in a runtime error:

def add(numbers: Array!(?Integer)) {

let numbers: Array!(Integer) =


numbers[1] + 5 # This will error, because it's Nil instead of an integer

This would compile as Integer is compatible with ?Integer, and error because our code isn't expecting the Array to contain a Nil.

Nullable also require more work from the user when dealing with output that may be explicitly set to Nil. For example, using iterators required the use of two methods: one to check if a new value is available, and one to get the value.

Lastly, nullable types make composition difficult. For example, we can't define a generic map method for all nullable types in Inko, as a ?T and a T are the same types at runtime (assuming the ?T is not Nil).

Using an Option type solves these problems, as Option!(T) and T are fundamentally different types, both which exist at runtime.

For these reasons, nullable types have been removed in Inko 0.9.0 and replaced with the use of an Option type. To make working with these types easier, you can use ?T to signal an optional T. This is just syntax sugar for Option!(T), but cuts down the amount of times you have to type the word "Option" in your code.

The introduction of an Option type also makes it easier to write iterators, as we no longer need two methods to use an iterator. Instead, iterators now define a next method that returns an Option!(T), with a None value signalling the end of the iterator.

Nil still exists, but is only used in cases where it makes sense (e.g. when a method omits its return type).

Writing iterators using generators

Inko now supports generators, drastically simplifying the process of writing iterators. Generators are limited to methods, and require you to annotate the method with the type that it yields. Generators also implement the Iterator trait, allowing you to use them as regular iterators.

As an example, we can define an Integer generator like so:

def generator => Integer {
  yield 10
  yield 20

let gen = generator # => Option(10) # => Option(20) # => None

Here yield yields a value, then continues where it left off when the generator is resumed.

Combined with the introduction of Option types, this makes writing external iterators a breeze. For example, this is how Map.iter is implemented in Inko 0.8.1:

def iter -> Iterator!(Pair!(K, V)) {
  let mut index = 0
  let mut found: ?Pair!(K, V) = Nil
  let max = @buckets.length
    while: {
        (index < max).and { found.nil? }
      }.while_true {
        found = @buckets[index]
        index += 1

      found != Nil
    yield: {
      let pair = found!

      found = Nil


And here is the implementation for version 0.9.0:

def iter => Pair!(K, V) {
  @buckets.each do (pair_opt) {
    pair_opt.let do (pair) { yield pair }

That's a big difference!

Pattern matching is now available

Pattern matching has been covered in previous articles, and is available in Inko 0.9.0. You can read up all about it in the new Pattern matching manual.

Object is now a trait

While Inko didn't expose inheritance through the language/syntax, it relied on it internally as all objects were an instance of Object. In Inko 0.9.0, Object is now a trait that is implemented automatically for instances of user-defined objects. The Any trait has been turned into a compile-time only type, much like the Never type. This type can't be used for much on its own, and instead must be casted or pattern-matched into a more useful type.

An important detail is that the Object trait is only implemented for instances of user-defined objects. It's not implemented for types such as traits and modules. This means the following is not valid:

object Person {}

# invalid because Person itself doesn't implement Object
Person.if_true { ... }

The following is valid, because an instance of Person does implement the Object trait:

Person {}.if_true { ... }

These changes mean inheritance is no longer relied upon. This allows us to work towards a more efficient memory representation of objects, and more efficient (and simpler) method lookups.

As part of these changes, the Hash and Equal traits are no longer implemented automatically.

Importing methods from modules

You can now import individual methods from a module:

# module foo.inko
def foo -> Integer {

# module bar.inko
import foo::(foo)

foo # => 42

Importing methods requires the use of parentheses (just as is necessary when importing multiple symbols), as the compiler otherwise thinks it has to import the module foo::foo. This restriction may be lifted in the future.

Loop methods are now in a separate module

Loop methods such as loop and while_true are no longer defined on the Block type, as this leads to soundness issues. For example, in Inko 0.8.1 this code would type-check:

do (number) { number > 10 }.while_true { foo }

This is unsound because the implementation of while_true never passes any arguments to its receiver, resulting in a runtime error.

This can't be solved without making the type system overly complex. To work around that, we introduce a new module for loops: std::loop. This module defines three methods: while, loop, and repeat. As while and loop are commonly used, these are exposed using the prelude, removing the need to import them manually.

This all combined means you now write loops as follows:

import std::stdio::stdout

let mut i = 0

while({ i < 10 }) {
  i += 1

Garbage collection in process threads

Garbage collection is now performed in the same thread that was running the process before triggering garbage collection, instead of a separate thread being used. This reduces the garbage collection time as we no longer need to move data across threads, reduces the total number of threads necessary, and simplifies the garbage collection implementation. Parallel tracing is still performed using a pool of threads.

Documentation fixes

Matheus Richard fixed several typos in our documentation. Thanks Matheus!

Other changes

Lots of other changes are included in this release, so be sure to check out the changelog for this release.

If you'd like to follow the development of Inko, consider joining our Matrix chat room or our Reddit community.