Inko in 2023

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It's been a while since our last update, so let's take a look at what's planned for Inko in 2023.

Table of contents

Compiling to machine code

In the 0.10.0 release post I mentioned that I was looking into the possibility of compiling Inko to machine code instead of virtual machine (VM) bytecode. Since then I've been working on implementing this, and I'm pleased to report that we've made a lot of progress in recent weeks.

Why compile to machine code?

The obvious question here is "Why?". Well, there are several reasons for this.

The first reason is performance: while Inko is not aiming to be a low-level language with the best performance one can imagine, I do want it to perform well enough for most scenarios. Using an interpreter makes this difficult, as a pure interpreter can only go so fast, requiring a Just In Time (JIT) compiler to improve performance further. JIT compilers are notoriously difficult to implement, and come with a variety of drawbacks such as the warm-up time, maintenance complexity, and more. If your name is Cliff Click or Mike Pall you might be able to produce a competitive JIT, but I'm not convinced I'm able to do so.

The second reason is portability. Compiling to VM bytecode means you only need to compile your program once, which is great, but it also complicates the process of distribution. For example, if your program uses shared libraries through Inko's FFI then you either need to bundle these somehow, or require the user to have these installed. The VM also needs to be installed in every environment you're deploying to. Of course we could come up with a solution similar to Java's JAR files and allow you to bundle shared libraries in such an archive, but it's yet another tool/feature we'd have to develop and maintain. In contrast, if we compile to machine code we can just statically link the libraries (including the C standard library), and no interpreter is needed either.

The third reason is to make Inko more competitive. Many well established interpreted languages already exist, and competing with these is difficult. While there are also many languages that compile to machine code, I feel there are more opportunities, in particular for languages that try to better balance compile times and runtime performance. Go is probably the best example of such a language: its runtime performance may not be as good as say Rust or C, but in exchange you get fast compile times, good support for concurrency, and much more. As it turns out, a lot of developers are looking for just such a language.

What backend is used by the compiler?

For the backend I looked into three options: LLVM, Cranelift, or C.

I decided not to go with C for several reasons:

  • Providing good debugging support is tricky, as you'd be debugging the generated C code, and this code would be anything but readable.
  • There's a ton of undefined behaviour you'd have to take care of. Even something as simple as signed integer arithmetic relies on undefined behaviour for overflows. I just don't feel comfortable compiling to a language where it's so easy to shoot yourself in the foot.
  • For such cases you might be able to use compiler-specific functions, but not all compilers provide the same functions. For example, gcc and clang both have functions for checked signed integer arithmetic, but tcc lacks such functions, requiring you to implement them yourself.
  • C doesn't give you enough control over the generated machine code. For example, if you need custom function prologues (e.g. to dynamically grow the stack), there's no cross-compiler/platform way of doing so.

Cranelift initially seemed like a promising backend: it's written in Rust, focuses on fast code generation, and the API didn't seem too difficult. Unfortunately, Cranelift suffers from several issues that make it unsuitable at this time:

  • The documentation is sorely lacking. Several Markdown documents provide a high-level overview of what Cranelift is, and while API documentation exists, it's often not made clear what you should use and when, or what the purpose is of a function (e.g. the documentation often just describes the function signature).
  • Integers use wrapping upon overflow, but there are no functions for generating checked arithmetic. If I'm not mistaken, the Cranelift backend for Rust ends up implementing this itself. While in this particular case that might have been an option, there may be other cases where this isn't as easy.
  • Cranelift itself doesn't provide optimisations, instead you have to implement all those yourself. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but having at least some optimisations available would make my life easier.
  • As far as I understand, Cranelift is mostly developed/supported by the developers of Wasmtime. Should this company shut down, it's not clear how well maintained Cranelift would be, and I don't have the resources to maintain both a programming language and a code generator.
  • Cranelift's API is spread across various libraries, including third-party ones for generating object files and debug information (at least from what I remember). This also means the documentation is spread around, making it difficult to get a better understanding of what to use (e.g. for generating debug information). For example: I still don't know what the idiomatic way is of generating debug information for your generated code, even though I looked into this extensively.
  • Last I checked, debug information support in general was spotty, and I vaguely recall it not being supported on all platforms Cranelift supports.

In summary: Cranelift is a promising library, but it's not mature enough for Inko's needs.

Which brings me to LLVM. LLVM has pretty much everything you need, from a vast API to well written (if not at times somewhat dense) documentation, lots of user guides and tutorials, support for a ton of platforms, and decent bindings for Rust. Of course LLVM isn't perfect, and suffers from two problems:

  1. LLVM versions don't always provide good backwards compatibility, and OS' and distributions don't always provide the same versions. For example, Debian ships LLVM 11.0.1, Fedora ships 15.0.0, and Arch Linux ships whatever the latest version is. Some distributions provide packages for each major version, others don't.
  2. LLVM is slow, or at least slower than desired.

We can deal with both these problems though: as (if) Inko gets more popular, more distributions/OS' are likely to include it into their repositories, removing the need for compiling the compiler from source. We can also provide our own repositories/packages where necessary.

LLVM being slow is something we can deal with by having it process less code (e.g. by doing more work ourselves before lowering to LLVM), and by making the compiler parallel and/or incremental.

In summary: LLVM has everything we need right now, and thus seemed like the most sensible choice.

What state is the compiler in?

The compiler is able to compile a small subset of Inko to machine code. A lot of important parts are still missing though, such as method calls, spawning processes, and more. If I had to guess, I'd say we're at about 30% completion.

It's worth mentioning that our goal for the next release is to have a working compiler, but not necessarily a good or complete compiler. For example, everything that isn't crucial for running Inko programs (e.g. debug information and optimisations) won't be implemented for now. I might also consider dropping support for Windows temporarily, as the new runtime doesn't work on Windows and I'm not familiar enough with it to get it to work.

Will you still use Rust?

Yes. The compiler is written in Rust, and this will remain to be the case for the foreseeable future. Inko's runtime is also written in Rust, and is statically linked to the generated machine code. The runtime provides various core functions (e.g. for memory allocations and spawning processes), the scheduler, and platform specific code to allow for efficient switching of processes.

A package manager for Inko

Inko's master branch contains a package manager for Inko, using Git repositories as a way of distributing packages. At the moment this is a separate executable, but once the LLVM-based compiler is complete we'll integrate this into the inko executable. You can find some details on the upcoming package manager in this merge request and this guide in the documentation.

Building a community around Inko

In 2022 I mostly focused on the technical side of Inko, such as implementing its new memory management strategy. In 2023 I want to focus more on also building a community around Inko.

A first step already taken was switching from Matrix to Discord (though we still have a Matrix bridge). Discord makes moderation much easier, in particular across channels (something absent in Matrix when using spaces or separate channels). We used to bridge the Matrix channel to the /r/ProgrammingLanguages Discord, and most of the people chatting came from this Discord, so switching to Discord made the most sense.

Something I'm still looking into is to stream and/or record videos on the work I'm doing. I'm not sure about this just yet as the idea terrifies me, but I hope I can convince myself it won't be that bad. The format would likely be 20-30 minute videos going over specific topics, rather than recording a three hour programming session, as I feel the former is more useful and easier to digest.

More funding

With the community growing I also hope to receive more funding through donations. While I've set aside enough money to continue for the foreseeable future, I (unfortunately) don't have infinite wealth.

As for what specific steps to take to improve upon this, I'm not sure yet. I'm hoping that with a growing community there will also be an increase in funding, but only time will tell.

The next release

At this point it's difficult to say when the next release of Inko is available, as there's still a lot of work to do one the new LLVM backend, but I'm hoping for a new release around March.

Following and supporting Inko

If Inko sounds like an interesting project, consider joining the Discord server or the Matrix channel. You can also follow along on the /r/inko subreddit. If you'd like to financially support Inko, you can do so using GitHub Sponsors.