Inko Progress Report: February 2022

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Type checking progress

Work on the type-checker continues, with most of the necessary bits and pieces being implemented. This means we're now able to type-check a small subset of Inko's standard library. The type-checker only checks types, it doesn't perform more complicated analysis such as checking if a variable is used after it has been moved.

Testing at this point is done manually rather than by using unit tests. The compiler's code is still in a state of flux, and writing good unit tests at this stage is too time consuming and frustrating, as they'll need frequent updating/rewriting.

For March we'll focus on resolving any remaining bugs, so that we can check the entire standard library without errors. We may also start improving test coverage once we're satisfied with the type-checker.

Inko now supports sum types

Sum types is something we've been wanting to support for a while, but we never got around to implementing them. Inko's type system now supports sum types using the following syntax:

case class Option[T] {
  case Some(T)
  case None

This defines the usual Option type with two variants: "Some" (which wraps a value), and "None". Sum types can also be used in pattern matching. We can create instances of our sum type like so:

Option.Some(42) # => Option[Int]
Option.None     # => Option[?], which is further inferred based on usage

Here Some and None are just regular (static) methods defined on the Option type, which is just a regular class under the hood.

An alternative to sum types we considered is "sealed traits". When a trait is "sealed", it can only be implemented in the same module it's defined in. Such a setup may look like this:

sealed trait Option[T] {}

class Some[T] {
  @value: T

impl Option[T] for Some {}

class None {}

impl Option[Never] for None {} # We use `Never` since a None
                               # doesn't wrap anything

Pattern matching on sealed traits would then look like this:

match some_option {
  case Some(v) -> print(v)
  case None -> print('Nothing!')

If some_option were typed as Option[String], the compiler can detect that within the match all possible cases are covered.

This approach introduces several problems, which is why we ended up implementing sum types instead.

First, you need to preserve type information at runtime. Just a pointer to the class isn't enough for generic types, as both Array[A] and Array[B] share the same class. This means you either need some sort of type ID for every type (so Array[A] has ID 1, while Array[B] has ID 2), or monomorphise code and give every generic type their own class. Type IDs would be the most efficient memory wise, but now the compiler has to map every type to its type ID (e.g. two occurrences of Array[A] in different files should map to the same ID). Since this information is only used in pattern matching, it feels a bit wasteful. Monomorphising code in turn isn't that useful in Inko, as we target portable bytecode instead of machine specific code. It also results in an increase in compile times and memory usage, and we want to keep both as small as is reasonable.

The second problem is dispatching. When you have a tagged union, you can use the tag to dispatch to the appropriate match case. If the IDs are just monotonically increasing integers starting at zero, you can directly use them as the index to a jump table. Consider this example:

case class Letter {
  case A
  case B
  case C

match letter {
  case A -> foo
  case B -> bar
  case C -> baz

A smart compiler may optimise this into goto jump_table[tag(letter)]. For sealed traits we don't have monotonically increasing IDs, as both class pointers/IDs and type IDs are generated based on the order types are processed in. Even if two cases happen to use a monotonically increasing identifier, they may start at some arbitrary value. That is, Some may be assigned ID 1234, while None may be assigned ID 1235. The result is that you can't directly map this to a jump table, instead you have to somehow convert the arbitrary IDs to a finite range of 0..N.

The third problem is that sealed traits and classes result in a lot more boilerplate. Take this sum type for example:

case class Expr {
  case Add(Expr, Expr)
  case Number(Int)
  case Sub(Expr, Expr)

  fn eval -> Int {
    match self {
      case Add(l, r) -> l.eval + r.eval
      case Sub(l, r) -> l.eval - r.eval
      case Number(v) -> v

Using sealed traits and classes, we end up with this:

sealed trait Expr {
  fn eval -> Int

class Add {
  @left: Expr
  @right: Expr

impl Expr for Add {
  fn eval -> Int {
    @left.eval + @right.eval

class Sub {
  @left: Expr
  @right: Expr

impl Expr for Sub {
  fn eval -> Int {
    @left.eval - @right.eval

class Number {
  @value: Int

impl Expr for Number {
  fn eval -> Int {

That's a lot more code for such a simple example! Not only that, but the code is also more spread around, requiring you to jump back and forth to understand the full picture.

The final problem is type inference. Take this for example:

sealed trait Option[T] {}

class Some[T] {
  @value: T

  static fn new(value: T) -> Self {
    Some { @value = value }

impl Option[T] for Some {}

class None {
  static fn new -> Self {
    None {}

impl Option[Never] for None {}

let opt =

Here opt is inferred as being of type Some[Int]. This leads to problems with code like this:

let opt = if some_condition { } else { }

This produces a type error, as the first branch returns Some[Int], while the second branch returns a None. To solve this, we can define our new methods like so:

class Some[T] {
  @value: T

  static fn new(value: T) -> Option[T] {
    Some { @value = value }

For None this poses a problem: it's not generic, so we can't return Option[T] and have the compiler further infer the concrete type. To solve that, we can make None generic too:

class None[T] {
  static fn new -> Option[T] {
    None {}

This is OK as unused class type parameters don't produce compiler errors, though this may change in the future. Setting that aside, the problem here is boilerplate: every time we have a sealed trait implemented by N classes, and we want those class instances to be inferred as the sealed trait, we need a mechanism of doing so. Going back to our Expr example from earlier, this means you end up with this:

sealed trait Expr {
  fn eval -> Int

class Add {
  @left: Expr
  @right: Expr

  static fn new(left: Expr, right: Expr) -> Expr {
    Add { @left = left, @right = right }

impl Expr for Add {
  fn eval -> Int {
    @left.eval + @right.eval

class Sub {
  @left: Expr
  @right: Expr

  static fn new(left: Expr, right: Expr) -> Expr {
    Sub { @left = left, @right = right }

impl Expr for Sub {
  fn eval -> Int {
    @left.eval - @right.eval

class Number {
  @value: Int

  static fn new(value: Int) -> Expr {
    Sub { @value = value }

impl Expr for Number {
  fn eval -> Int {


Better pattern matching

Pattern matching used to be limited to simple expressions, and simple type-checks for non-generic classes. In February we overhauled both the syntax and semantics, and now it works more like you'd expect from a functional programming language:

let x: Option[Option[(Int, String)]] = Option.Some(Option.Some((10, "foo")))

match x {
  case Some(Some((num, _))) -> print(num)
  case _ -> print('something else')

Guards are also supported:

let x: Option[Option[(Int, String)]] = Option.Some(Option.Some((10, "foo")))

match x {
  case Some(Some((num, _))) if num > 10 -> print(num)
  case _ -> print('something else')

Inko also supports if let and while let:

if let Some(v) = some_option {

while let Some(v) = some_option {

let also supports guards when using sum types as the assigned value:

let Some(v) = some_option else return

In this case the else block must return from the surrounding scope.

When pattern matching against a sum type, the variant names don't need to be fully qualified, as the compiler knows what sum type it's matching against. Thus, instead of e.g. Option.Some(v) or Option::Some(v), you just write Some(v).

Exhaustiveness checking isn't implemented yet, as we'll do so when lowering the AST to a more analysis and optimisation friendly IR.

Potential changes to error handling

With the introduction of sum types and better pattern matching, we're considering changing Inko's error handling mechanism. Right now, Inko's error handling mechanism is defined as follows:

  1. If a method wants to throw a type, it must state this type in its signature. fn foo !! Int { ... } means the method foo can throw values of type Int.
  2. Methods can't lie about throwing: if a throw type is specified, throw must occur in the method body.
  3. It's a compile-time error to use throw in a method that doesn't specify a throw type.
  4. When calling a method that throws, the error must be handled at the call site. You can explicitly propagate the error (try foo), explicitly handle it (try foo else (error) { ... }), or just exit the program with the error (try! foo).
  5. If a throw type is inferred as Never, error handling isn't necessary.

As an example, here is how you'd might parse a String into an Int:

try Int.parse('42') else 0

The problem with this setup is that it doesn't compose well, in particular when closures are involved. Take this example from the Iter type:

trait Iter[T, E] {
  fn next !! E -> Option[T]

  fn any?(block: do (T) -> Boolean) !! E -> Boolean {
    loop {
      let opt = try
      let val = try opt.get else return false

      if { return true }

Iter is a trait implemented by all iterator types. It specifies two type parameters: T (the output type) and E (the throw type). The any? method takes a closure and feeds it every value in the iterator. It stops when it finds a value for which the closure returned true. The closure itself can't throw due to the lack of a throw type, but the iterator itself may throw. If we wanted to allow the closure to also throw, we'd have to define our method as follows:

fn any?(block: do (T) !! E -> Boolean) !! E -> Boolean {
  loop {
    let opt = try
    let val = try opt.get else return false

    if try { return true }

This is the first problem: method and closure signatures can get verbose, and in the method body we must handle errors explicitly even for cases where we wouldn't actually throw.

Another examples is the map method:

trait Iter[T, E] {
  fn next !! E -> Option[T]

  move fn map[R](block: do (T) -> R) -> Iter[R, E] { {
      let opt = try
      let val = try opt.get else return Option.none


map doesn't care what its closure does, all it cares about is that it takes an argument and returns a new value to use for the iterator. But due to the above signature, the closure can't throw. This means if it performs operations that may throw, it can't propagate those back to the caller of the map method. Imagine an iterator over files, and for every file we want to map it to the file size: do (file) { file.size }.collect # => [10, 0, 12342, 7298043, ...]

Obtaining the file size may fail, so we'd have to handle it: do (file) { try file.size }.collect

This is invalid because map takes a closure that doesn't throw, so we instead have to do something like this: do (file) { try file.size else 0 }.collect

Now we lose information about why the operation failed. Sometimes that's fine, sometimes it's not.

We could fix this by changing map to be defined like so:

trait Iter[T, E] {
  fn next !! E -> Option[T]

  move fn map[R](block: do (T) !! E -> R) -> Iter[R, E] { {
      let opt = try
      let val = try opt.get else return Option.none


Now the closure is allowed to throw, but we have another problem: the throw type must be the same as that of the input iterator. But what if it's a different type? Well, we're basically screwed because we'd have error type A from the input, and error type B for the output, and Inko doesn't allow for multiple error types. This choice is deliberate: it ensures methods don't list 15 different error types, making handling them difficult.

Which brings us back to sum types. If we instead used sum types, things are a lot easier:

trait Iter[T] {
  fn next -> Option[T]

  move fn map[R](block: do (T) -> R) -> Iter[R] { {
      # maps an Option[A] into an Option[B], with the closure's
      # argument being the wrapped value. do (value) { }

And here's what any? would look like:

fn any?(block: do (T) -> Boolean) -> Boolean {
  while let Some(value) = {
    if { return true }


In this setup try would be used to propagate error or none values. That is, this:

try read_file

Would be the same as this:

let Ok(v) = read_file else (err) return err

This way you can handle Result/Option values, without the need for explicitly propagating values to the caller.

In conclusion, using sum types for error handling would make composition and the use of closures easier. The cost of having to wrap both OK and error values is non-zero, but a sufficiently smart Inko compiler should be able to optimise this to some degree.

Generators are removed

Inko has supported generators for a while now. Initially generators were first-class types in the VM, but a while back we decided to instead use compiler transformations as this gives us greater control over how generators work. Generators were introduced back when Inko didn't have an Option type or sum types, which meant that writing iterators was cumbersome. When we introduced the Option type a while back this made writing iterators easier, but we kept generators around.

Supporting generators using compiler transformations isn't easy. Take this method for example:

fn numbers => Int {
  yield 10

  let num = 42

  yield num

Here => Int signals the method yields values of type Int. Using compiler transformations, this would be turned into the following:

class NumbersGenerator {
  @state: Int
  @num: Any

impl Iter[Int] for NumbersGenerator {
  fn next -> Option[Int] {
    match @state {
      case 0 -> {
        let val = Option.Some(10)

        @state = 1
        @num = 42

      case 1 -> {
        let val = Option.Some(@num)
        @num = undefined
        @state = 2

      case 2 -> {
        @state = 3
      case _ -> {
        panic("can't resume a generator that finished")

That is: we generate some sort of match that determines what code to run. Any variable that survives a yield must be stored in the generator, so the next state can use it. We also have to clear the appropriate fields after their values have been moved out of the generator, so we don't drop/deallocate them twice.

Instead of implementing all the complexity necessary to support generators, we've opted to stop supporting them in favour of a new type: Enumerator. This type is an iterator that takes a closure and uses it to feed values into the iterator. It's a shockingly simple type:

class Enumerator[T, E] {
  @block: do !! E -> Option[T]

impl Iter[T, E] for Enumerator {
  fn next !! E -> Option[T] {

It gets even simpler if we use sum types for error handling:

class Enumerator[T] {
  @block: do -> Option[T]

impl Iter[T] for Enumerator {
  fn next -> Option[T] {

Now you may think to yourself: "Hey, didn't I see that Enumerator type in earlier examples?". Yes, you did: the examples shown earlier use this exact type to make writing iterators easy, without the need for complex compiler transformations.

Fun fact: before we introduced generators we had a similar setup (this was back in 2019), though it wasn't as easy to use due to the lack of an Option type and sum types (Inko still had optional/nillable types back then).

And that's all for February! If you'd like to follow along with the progress made, we recommend joining the Matrix channel or the #inko channel in the /r/ProgrammingLanguages Discord server. If you'd like to support Inko financially, you can do so using GitHub Sponsors.