Inko Progress Report: November 2019

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The progress report for November 2019 is here! In November we released Inko 0.6.0, made improvements to the garbage collector, and continued work on the self-hosting compiler.

Table of contents

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Inko 0.6.0

In November we released Inko 0.6.0. This release contains additions to the standard library, improvements to the garbage collector, and a lot more. Be sure to check out the release post for more details!

Garbage collector improvements

On top of the garbage collector improvements released in 0.6.0, we made several extra improvements.

The first improvement is that we use a more efficient way of storing blocks of memory in processes and the global allocator. This new setup allows the garbage collector to reclaim memory blocks much faster. For processes with large heaps this change can lead to a significant performance increase. For example, in some of our tests this resulted on garbage collection timings being reduced from 20-30 milliseconds to less than 5 milliseconds.

The second improvement is that we have further optimised the tracing of live objects in parallel. These improvements result in tracer threads terminating faster than before (when needed), reducing garbage collection timings and simplifying the code.

Process statuses are now more compact

A process can be in different states, such as running, terminated, or waiting for a message. We now store some of these states in a single integer by using different bits for the different states. This allowed us to fix two bugs:

  1. Processes could still receive messages after they terminated, resulting in those messages never being received. This could increase memory usage over time, until the last reference to the process is dropped.
  2. When cleaning up a process after it terminated, another process can send messages to it, which in rare cases could lead to memory corruption.


The method join has been added to the type std::array::Array. This method is used to cast values to a String and join them together using a separator:

let numbers =, 20, 30)

numbers.join(',') # => '10,20,30'

Progress on the self-hosting compiler

Work on the self-hosting compiler continues. In the progress report for September 2019 we wrote about our plans for a parallel compiler, and how processes in the compiler would communicate and share type information. Since then we have decided to take a different approach.

Compilers (most of the time) can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Parsing
  2. Type defining and checking
  3. Optimisations
  4. Code generation

Parsing code is easy to perform in parallel, as no shared data structures are needed. The same goes for code generation. Performing type defining and checking in parallel is more difficult. In a language with shared memory we could define types sequentially, then type check the code in parallel. But Inko does not have shared memory, which poses a problem. If the data to share is small, we could just copy it across processes. But type information often consists of large (recursive) data structures, and copying these between processes often is expensive.

We spent a lot of time trying to come up with ways of dealing with this. We realised that whatever approach we would take, it would serialise type defining and checking, and make the compiler too complex for our liking. As such we have decided to make the compiler a mostly parallel compiler. This means some steps (such as parsing) are performed in parallel, while other steps (such as type defining and checking) are performed sequentially. It's not clear yet if we will be able to optimise code in parallel, but since most optimisations will be simple (the most complex one being inlining of methods) it's not clear if this matters much to begin with.

The parallel parsing stage is implemented, though we have not yet written tests for it. We have also started work on the type defining and checking stage of the compilation process.

Plans for December

For December we plan to continue work on the type defining and checking stage of the compiler. Due to the upcoming Christmas holidays it's unlikely we will finish this, but that's OK.