The command to install the package into your project has been copied to your clipboard.
Package | |
dusty-phillips/inko-http Rudimentary HTTP Server exploring the Inko programming language | Install |
yorickpeterse/inko-markdown An Inko library for parsing an opinionated dialect of Markdown | Install |
dusty-phillips/inko-regex Basic regular expression parser in pure inko | Install |
yorickpeterse/inko-wobsite A small and opinionated static site generation library | Install |
yorickpeterse/inko-builder An Inko library for generating XML and HTML | Install |
uasi/inko-blake3 A BLAKE3 hasher for Inko. | Install |
uasi/inko-totp A TOTP token generator and validator for Inko. | Install |
yorickpeterse/inko-syntax A syntax highlighting library for Inko | Install |
dusty-phillips/inko-argparse Argument parsing library for the Inko programming language | Install |
dusty-phillips/inko-tui Basic Terminal Ui for Inko | Install |
uasi/inko-hmac An HMAC implementation for Inko. | Install |
uasi/inko-uuid A UUID generator for Inko. | Install |
roetlich/inko-html HTML library written in Inko. | Install |
uasi/inko-url_search_params A URLSearchParams implementation. | Install |
Adding a package
To add a package, first create a GitHub repository for your package. While Inko's package manager supports the use of any Git repository (e.g. one hosted on GitLab), the above list is populated using GitHub repositories only.
Next, add a short description to your repository. This will be used as the package description.
Package versions are just Git tags in the format vX.Y.Z
, so make sure to push
at least a single tag.
Once this is done, fork the Inko website
repository and add your package to
(see the existing entries for more details), then
submit a pull request with these changes. Once merged, it may take several days
for the package to show up on this page.
Last updated: March 24, 2025